Matboards are manufactured especially for picture framing. They are available in many colors, and some have printed surfaces that are flecked or marbled. Most matboards are available in 32" x 40" sheets. Some of the more popular colors are available in 40" x 60" and a few boards, such as rag matboard, are made as large as 4' x 8'. Check with suppliers for availability.
STANDARD OR REGULAR MATBOARD: Matboards are manufactured especially for picture framing. They are available in many colors, and some have printed surfaces that are flecked or marbled. Most matboards are available in 32" x 40" sheets. Some of the more popular colors are available in 40" x 60" and a few boards, such as rag matboard, are made as large as 4' x 8'. Check with suppliers for availability.
CONSERVATION MATBOARD: These boards have either a cotton or purified wood pulp (alpha cellulose) core, plus buffered, acid-free surface and backing papers. These boards generally remain in excellent condition for many years. Available in a wide variety of colors.
RAG MATBOARD: This is museum grade matboard, considered the highest quality board. It is made from cotton pulp compressed into a solid sheet. Formerly only white or off white, now available in a number of colors.
POSTER BOARD: This is an acidic craft board, meant for short-term use. Moisture-sensitive, it also fades rather quickly.
CARDBOARD, CONSTRUCTION PAPER, ETC.: These and similar types of craft materials have high acidity and uneven density that makes them unsuitable for matting.